2020 started like any other with a long line of eager students ready to wear the crest and become St Thomas’ men. We badged the leaders, swam the Halswell pools, ran the tracks in athletics and really got stuck into the year with the coolest number: 2020
I had looked forward to 2020 as the number is quite cool. Number 2020 is an even number and a composite one. It is the product of 3 primes: 2×2×5×101. Due to this, it has 12 factors or divisors: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 101, 202, 404, 505, 1010, 2020. … Also, the sum of all proper divisors is 2264, which makes 2020 an abundant number.
I had googled 2020 prior to the year and found stuff like: An angel Number 2020. This number signifies the huge potential that your life holds. When this number becomes a common feature in your life, the angels want you to use your gifts and talents to better your world. The angels are reminding you that you have goals to accomplish.
Now … when you google 2020 it is talked about as the worst year ever … we mean many entangled things: A pandemic. The death and economic destruction caused by the pandemic. The governmental mismanagement of the pandemic. The ways the pandemic has exposed the failures of some social systems. 2020 what a number and what a year.
In New Zealand, a state of emergency was declared on the 25th March, as the country prepared to go into lock-down at midnight, for a minimum of four weeks. Seven weeks later we returned to school. When you look back it doesn’t seem real. I had an International student come and live with me as he couldn’t leave the country. He had no English just a couple of oldies to walk around the block with. Once the Netflix password was given all was fine! We all have our lockdown stories, losses and heartache, as well as fun times too.
Back to school and now to try and fit everything into the time that was effectively lost. NCEA carried on, the production started and stopped, the ball kept doing the date-shuffle; but staff and students just got busy and kept on organising stuff. The students were introduced to on-line learning, board games and zoom meetings. Technology kept us all in touch … crazy times. One thing I didn’t do was make a mask.
At the end of term two a number of staff were fare welled by the students as they headed for Rolleston College, Korea and other careers. An emotional time for Brad, Washy, Claire and Jacob all being sent off with an amazing haka. A few months later we were all back to say goodbye again to Brad. It doesn’t seem real … Brad Milne’s death in September was simply awful and brought the school as well as his family to their knees. A great guy, excellent teacher, wonderful father and husband taken too early.
Now we are at the end of this number 2020 … new kids have enrolled, uniforms are being worn around the house and xmas presents are under the tree. 2020 has been mental, exhausting and also sprinkled with a lot of energy, student success and immense passion.
This on-line magazine has captured our year and ALL the flavours that St Thomas has to offer.
Enjoy the read and viewing.
Cheers Biggsie