Term Dates 2024:
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 11 December
Start of Year 2025:
Thursday 30 January – Orientation for new students, Course Confirmation
Friday 31 January – Powhiri, first day for all students
School Office Hours:
Lynley Gibson is our receptionist and her office hours are 8:00am – 4.00pm.
School Account Queries:
Please contact Jackie Redmond on 348-7010 Ext 705 or email jredmond@stc.school.nz.
Bank Account for Fees:
03 0802 0910911 00 – Please use your son’s name in the reference column.
Uniform Shop Hours:
Mondays 8.15am-3.00pm, Tuesdays 10.20am-3.00pm, and Wednesdays 12.20pm-3.00pm
If you are unable to come in during the normal opening hours then an appointment time can be made with the Uniform Coordinator, Ngaire Lester on 348-7010 ext 704 or email: nlester@stc.school.nz.
Uniform Payments/Bank Account:
Our bank account for any school uniform payments is 03 0830 0014233 000, with your son’s name and ‘uniform’ as a reference.
STC Sports Page:
Check out our Sports Page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stccsport/
Sports Co-Ordinators:
Our Sports Co-ordinators are Andrew Cavill, Daniel Kahura, and Chloe Roberts. They can be contacted at school on 348-7010 Ext. 781 or email; acavill@stc.school.nz ; dkahura@stc.school.nz ; croberts@stc.school.nz