As we come to the end of Term 3, it is a great opportunity to reflect on all of the wonderful opportunities and work our young men have achieved. To begin to list the accomplishments would not do the term justice. Whether it be inside the classroom or outside the classroom, I have been so impressed with the effort and commitment on display from our young men alongside the wonderful support of our hard-working staff. It is amazing to see the outcomes.
When I reflect on the many successes, I often ask myself is there a secret ingredient that we can focus on to replicate these successful outcomes? The more I reflect, the more I come back to the word ‘relationships’. When I see our young men in relationship with their Catholic faith, I see a young man who understands they are part of a “bigger picture”. When I see young men interacting with their friends, I see brotherhood and young men connected with a strong sense of belonging. When I see strong relationships between staff and students, I see a foundation of success. When I see strong and committed relationships between our parents and our school, I see endless possibilities.
This week we celebrate our special character. We have had several events throughout this week to further build on our brotherhood and relationships. Tomorrow is the culmination of our week whereby we celebrate mass together in growing our faith and strengthen our relationships through our haka and singing competition.
I am thoroughly looking forward to joining our young men tomorrow in a day in which our secret ingredient is celebrated and shared. It is for me the most important day of the year as we celebrate all that is most important to our kura.
I wish all of our young men a restful holiday and trust we all come back next term ready to complete our academic commitments.
The best of luck to our senior 1st V basketball team as they participate in the Basketball Nationals in Palmerston North – the best of luck, men.
Steve Hart
We warmly invite you to join us, as we come together to celebrate 2023 as a community.
This is always a highlight with cultural & music performances, and our Year 13 Graduation ceremony.
This is a compulsory event for students who are expected in uniform on the night.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Hamish Barclay