St Thomas’ is a Catholic school for boys accepting enrolments from Year 9 onward. The main point of entry for St Thomas’ is at Year 9 although we may accept students at other year levels if there is space available.
On 26 July 2024 applications for 2025 closed. There are no further places available at Year 9 or Year 10 for 2025. There are no non-preference places available for Years 11-13 for 2025. Preference applicants for Years 11-13 (2025) will be added to a waitlist and if a place becomes available contact will be made.
Future year enrolments (2026 onward) are welcome at any time.
Preference Student? If yes, attach Preference Certificate to your application.
Enrolment Information
Priority is given in accordance with the school’s Enrolment Scheme. Click here for our enrolment scheme. If we have places available after accepting all preference students we are permitted to enrol non-preference students up to 5% of our total roll.
A Preference Enrolment Application is an enrolment form accompanied by a Preference Certificate obtained from, and signed by, a Catholic priest.
Supplying a baptism certificate to the school, is not sufficient to gain Preference status; contact your local Catholic parish – – and advise you have a baptism certificate. For “Preference” a Preference Certificate must accompany the enrolment form.
Preference criteria:
5.1 The child has been baptised or is being prepared for baptism in the Catholic Church.
5.2 The child’s parents/guardians have already allowed one or more of his siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith.
5.3 At least one parent/guardian is a Catholic, and although his/her child has not yet been baptised, the child’s participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised.
5.4 With the agreement of the child’s parent/guardian, a significant familial adult such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle who is actively involved in the child’s upbringing undertakes to support the child’s formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church.
5.5 One or both of a child’s non-Catholic parents/guardians is/are preparing to become a Catholic.
If you think you may be entitled to a preference certificate for your son please contact a Catholic parish to enquire
As an integrated Catholic boys’ high school, the Ministry allows limited places (5%) for non-Catholic students (non-preference students). Non-preference applicants will only be enrolled if places remain after all preference applicants have been enrolled.
Step 1
Download application form or complete online application
Step 2
Please ensure you attach a copy of your son’s birth certificate, passport, residency or student visa and, if preference, the Preference Certificate you have obtained from a Catholic priest.
Usual uniform shop hours are:
Mondays 8.15am-3.00pm, Tuesdays 10.20am-3.00pm, and Wednesdays 12.20pm-3.00pm
If you are unable to come in during the normal opening hours then an appointment time can be made with the Uniform Coordinator, Ngaire Lester on 348-7010 ext 704 or email:
Click here for the Uniform Order Form >
Please email Ngaire at with your order and pay online.
The bank account number is 03 0830 0014233 00.
Your son can pick the order up after payment is made and, if necessary, can exchange sizes.
The uniform shop is open each Monday and Wednesday at interval and lunchtimes, for students to purchase uniform and pick up prepaid uniform orders.
Any other enquires contact Ngaire on 03 348 7010 Ext 704 or email:
Online Stationery Pack Info – Years 7-10 Students
With the range of activities and classes we offer it is advised that you purchase the following for next year. Some classes will have separate needs if your son chooses those as options.
Please click here for the online stationery packs
Please refer to our BYOD section regarding devices to make sure you purchase one that is suitable for your child’s learning. What is important is that you do not purchase an iPad/tablet or Chromebook. A Windows 10 operating system is recommended. Office 365 is provided so please don’t buy this.
Earphones (for online reading/math support programmes)
USB memory stick
Attendance Dues
$839.50 (incl GST) per annum, per student
Diocesan Catholic Education Contribution
$60 per annum, per student
School Resources and Infrastructure Contribution
$850 per annum, per student
School Building Contribution (St Thomas of Canterbury College Foundation)
$300 per annum, per student
(All Contributions are classed as donations, do not attract GST, and are tax-deductible and can be claimed at the end of the financial year)
Legacy Network- Annual Contribution
$40 per annum, per student
Curriculum Fees
Some subjects attract a fee for materials used and retained by the student.
Attendance Dues
Are a legally binding charge on all parents and caregivers who have enrolled their children at a Catholic school. This is payable unless, in special circumstances, the charge has been waived by the Proprietor of the school for issues associated with a family. Attendance Dues are used to provide for capital works and the repayment of loans. Attendance Dues are determined by the Proprietors and approved by the Minister of Education.
The School Resources Contribution
Provides funds for areas such as
- Support for the development of IT infrastructure, hardware, and software
- Additional support to the sports and arts coordinator salaries
- Extracurricular sports, arts and cultural equipment
- Special character
- Printing and publications
- Photocopying additional to the curriculum
Arrangements for payment in installments or by automatic payment may be made. If you are experiencing financial hardship please complete the following form and send through to Jackie Redmond (
For Financial Assistance with Attendance Dues – click here
The account number for payments is 03 0802 0910911 00. Please reference with your son’s name.
For uniform payments please use the following account: 03 0830 0014233 000
Why has St Thomas of Canterbury College introduced BYOD?
Our experience with our current BYOD programmes this year and extensive research shows:
- That we need to prepare our students for future tertiary study and the work environment.
- There are increased opportunities for collaborative learning.
- It increases access to a huge range of electronic resources, which help enhance learning.
- Engagement and motivation of students are increased.
There are a number of pedagogical benefits: (a) the NZ Curriculum specifically references the value of eLearning and (b) international research shows the benefits of eLearning for students.
To continue to improve teaching and learning at STC.
Students exist in a largely ‘digital world’ outside of school, but school is often a non-digital world. This programme has the potential to increase engagement in learning as they use the tools they are most familiar with to facilitate learning.
What types of computers/devices will be suitable and cost?
The Senior Leadership Team is very aware that devices do cost and some are very expensive and when one starts to investigate buying a device for education there is a mind field of information. The Senior Leadership Team has developed a partnership with Cyclone Computers; this partnership offers assistance with purchasing of devices, insurance, maintenance, troubleshooting, financing options and professional development for staff.
Please view this flyer or visit their website
There are two categories of devices
- Windows Laptops and
- Microsoft Surfaces Devices
The HP Pavilion and ProBooks are only an option for the senior levels.
Microsoft Surfaces; are wish list devices
If you wish to purchase a device from Cyclone, just follow the directions. Payment options are on the website but you have to enter the STC section of the Cyclone website. You will be asked to type in your son’s name and student ID is your son’s name.
If you want any information about the devices please ring 0800 585 040. For information on the schools’ BYOD Policy, cyber safety, etc please ring me or email me. (Tim Muir
There is no compulsion to purchase a device from Cyclone. Please look at the site as it will give you sound information on the device that will be appropriate for use at St Thomas’.
Where parents purchase a device is a choice for parents. Please read the information below, as this will provide you a sound guide as to the minimum specifications and these features needed.
- Cloud storage included: Get 1TB of Microsoft OneDrive so you can store all you want for a year.
- Built for cloud computing on-the-go.
- Office 365 compatible
Device Specifications
These recommended specifications
- Windows 10 Operating System
- Screen size of at least 11 inches
- 4 GB RAM
- 64GB+ SSD but 128GB is preferred
- 5GHz Wireless capability. 802.11ac standard and 2×2
- Battery life 7+ hours
- Keyboard
- Light enough to be carried around throughout the day
- Protective case/bag/cover – or ensure the device is sturdy enough for school use
- USB port; video output such as HDMI, Mini Display Port or VGA; audio output
- Camera and sound recording capability
- Warranty – faults must be fixed quickly, and a temporary replacement service is desirable
- Insurance (We strongly recommend that you take out specific insurance on the device. Our partner, Cyclone, offers a no excess policy. The school is not responsible for damage or loss of the device.)
Points to keep in mind
The amount that students will use their devices will differ from class to class and teacher to teacher. Some subjects lend themselves to using a computer more naturally than others.
All teachers will be and have been provided considerable professional development and time to allow them to grow their confidence in teaching a class where students have a computer each. This will continue to develop in 2015 and beyond. Our expectation is that the students will use their computers more often than not.
St Thomas’ has the Office 365 license which enables all of our students to access Student Advantage which is a free Microsoft Office package for students.